Tales of the Otori Book IV - The harsh cry of the heron… Le Clan des Otori Livre IV – Le vol du héron… - Lian Hearn
It first acted a trilogy, but Lian Hearn did not resist to make us live the continuation of the adventures of Takeo and Kaede. The couple reigns since sixteen years on the Three Countries. Shigeko, their elder daughter, promises to be their worthy heiress at the head of the Three Countries, while their twins, Miki and Maya, inherited the Tribe talents. Violence came back in their destiny at the time of the celebration of the 15th birthday of Shigeko. The harmony and the prosperity of the Three Countries draw the attention of the emperor awaking covetousness and hidden hatreds. Some foreigners arrive with their religion and weapon fire, and the Tribe not forgot its revenge against Takeo. This one could be appeased by the hand of his hidden son, Hisao, whose Kaede ignore not only the existence but also the threat towards her husband since the end of the prophecy designates him as the murderer of his father. I must point out once again the talent of the author who plunges us in an imaginary universe that one believes real because of the limpid style. Youth novels with such a success near adult public are rare. However Lian Hearn does it. For those who would continue the reading, Lian Hearn had a surprise for you since volume 5 should be ready for 2008. This one would report us the childhood of Lord Shigeru since his meeting with his adoptive son, a certain Otori Takeo…
Il s’agissait à l’origine d’une trilogie, mais Lian Hearn n’a pas résisté à l’envie de nous faire vivre la suite des aventures de Takeo et Kaede. Voilà seize ans que le couple règne sur les Trois Pays enfin pacifiés. Shigeko, leur fille aînée promet d’être leur digne héritière à la tête des Trois Pays tandis que leurs jumelles, Miki et Maya ont hérité des talents de
Se trataba primero de una trilogía, pero Lian Hearn no resistió al deseo de hacernos vivir la seguida de las aventuras de Takeo y Kaede. Ya hace diceséis años que la pareja reina sobre los Tres Países finalmente pacificados. Higeko, su hija mayor, promete ser su digna heredera a la cabeza de los Tres Países mientras sus gemelas, Miki y Maya, heredaron de los talentos de
2 commentaires:
La historia me gusta mucho, hablo de la trilogia claro.
Pero la grafica que has peusto me encanto.
Dolores ---> es verdad que las graficas de todos esos libos son muy buenas ;)
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