Un Avion sans Elle – Michel Bussi

novela comienza con un drama : un avión se estrella en los
Alpes. Solo hay un superviviente, un niño de tres meses de edad. El
problema reside en que dos bebes de misma edad estaban presentes
durznte el accidente. Entonces, ¿se trata de Lyse-Rose o bien
Emilie? Dos familias van a luchar durante dieciocho años para probar
su legitimitad en la vida de Libellule, como la llama la prensa. Y el
lector sigue paso a paso la investigación del detective privado que
va intentar desentrañar la trama. Entre golpes bajosy amor
incondicional, cada uno será irresistiblemente arrebatado a un final
que Michel Bussi qui sorprendente. Recominedo muchas lecturas pero
esa, creenme, ¡hay que leerla!...
novel begins with a drama : a plane crashes in the Alpes. There
is just one survivor, a three months old baby. The problem is that
two babies of the same age were present in the plane during the plane
crash. So is this Lyse-Rose or Emilie? Two families will tear
eighteen years to prove their legitimacy in the life of Libellule, as
the press called her. And the reader will follow step by step the
investigations of the private detective who will attempt to unravel
the mystery. Between trahisons and unconditional love, each one will
be irresistibly caught up to a final that Michel Bussi wanted
surprising. I often advise some novel, but this one, and you have to
believe me, is really to read!...
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