Wanted Liberté Égalité Fraternité

es ese clima que se instala en Europa, en Francia? ¿Puede
la crisis econónomica explicar lo que sucede en Francia? ¿Puede la
crisis justificar la estupidez, el racismo? La respuesta es
claramente no. Entocnes en seguida a las palabras racistas que se
extienden desde hace unos tiempos, a saber una conmemoración
nacional interrumpida por unos extremistas, un periódico de extrema
derecha que tiene un discurso racista hacia la ministra de Justicia,
un periódico, Liberation, victima de tiros de cuyo acto unos
miembros de la UMP certifique que eso es debido a la ira de los
franceses hacia los medios de comunicación, es urgente interrogarse
sobre el debate público y el papel de los políticos. Ya unos
ciudadanos no necesitan eso para culpar el otro, el extranjero, de su
situación y cometer actos indignos. Por lo tanto es de la
responsabilidad de todo político de no inflamar una situación ya
muy difícil. Todos los que no denuncian estos hechos son de niguna
manera lrepublicanos y no tienen su lugar en la vida pública. Ellos
son, a mi punto de vista, plenamente responsables, tanto delante el
pueblo que delante la justicia, del aumento del racismo en Francia, y
como tal se debe marginarlos de la vida pública. Ya es el momento de
recordar que la libertad de expresión no significa palabras
racistas, homofóbicas, de odio. Esto no sirve para superar la
crisis, pero sí sirve a los partidos de extrema derecha que no se
deben trivializar. Este el el futuro de este país. Libertad,
igualdad, fraternidad, estamos muy lejos de eso y ya es hora de
volver a los fundamentos que construyeron la Francia multicultural
que queremos...
What is this climate in Europe, in France? Should the economic crises explain the situation in France? May the crisis justify stupidity and racism? The answer is clearly no. As a result of the racist speaches that spread around for some times, namely a national commemoration disrupted by etremists people, an extremist newspaper grading racist articles towards the Minister of Justice, a newspaper, Libération, victim of a shooting and some members of the UMP certifying that followed the french anger towards the media, it is imperative to consider the public debate and the rôle of policies. Some ordinary citizens certainly do not need to be helped to blame the other, the strangers, for their problematic situation, and to say or do those acts. Therefore it is the responsability of any politic man to not inflame an already problematic situation. All thos who do not denounce these facts are in fact in any case republican ones and they don't have their place in the public debate. They are, in my opinion, fully responsible in front of the people and justice, of the rise of racism in France and as such should be remoted from public debate. It is time to remember that freedom of expression does not mean racism, homophobic or hate. This does not serve to overcome the crisis, but will help the extreme right parties that should never be trivialized. This is the future of this country. Liberty, equality, fraternity, we are more and more distant of that, and it's finally time to get back to the fundamentals that built the multicultural France we love...
What is this climate in Europe, in France? Should the economic crises explain the situation in France? May the crisis justify stupidity and racism? The answer is clearly no. As a result of the racist speaches that spread around for some times, namely a national commemoration disrupted by etremists people, an extremist newspaper grading racist articles towards the Minister of Justice, a newspaper, Libération, victim of a shooting and some members of the UMP certifying that followed the french anger towards the media, it is imperative to consider the public debate and the rôle of policies. Some ordinary citizens certainly do not need to be helped to blame the other, the strangers, for their problematic situation, and to say or do those acts. Therefore it is the responsability of any politic man to not inflame an already problematic situation. All thos who do not denounce these facts are in fact in any case republican ones and they don't have their place in the public debate. They are, in my opinion, fully responsible in front of the people and justice, of the rise of racism in France and as such should be remoted from public debate. It is time to remember that freedom of expression does not mean racism, homophobic or hate. This does not serve to overcome the crisis, but will help the extreme right parties that should never be trivialized. This is the future of this country. Liberty, equality, fraternity, we are more and more distant of that, and it's finally time to get back to the fundamentals that built the multicultural France we love...
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