A través de mis pequeños ojos – Emilio Ortiz

Cross est un chien guide joyeux et espiègle. Mario est un jeune handicapé qui essaie de se faire un chemin dans la vie. Leur histoire commune commence aux USA lorsque Mario intègre un groupe d'aveugles, chacun venu chercher et s'entraîner avec leur nouvel ami. L'originalité de ce roman est la narration faite par le chien, Cross. Il nous raconte son entraînement comme chien guide d'aveugle et, peu à peu, sa vie avec son maître. Il nous commente également ses pensées sur le humanoïdes, c'est-à-dire nous, et s'est un vrai plaisir de se visualiser depuis cette perspective, aussi bien en ce qui concerne les relations inter humaines ou encore avec la nature. Cross est le personnage star du roman et nous éclaire sur la relation unique qui existe entre un être humain et son animal, encore plus entre un aveugle et son chien guide. C'est d'ailleurs pour cela que j'ai du mal à comprendre ce qu'a voulu démontrer Emilio Ortiz dans son final, ou quasi fin. Bien que la dernière page nous permette d'imaginer le futur de Cross et son maître, je ne comprends pas la décision prise par Mario au sujet de Cross juste avant, qui m'a fait pleurer tout en lisant, et oui, parce que cela pourrait justement faire penser justement que son chien guide n'est rien d'autre qu'un objet pour lui, ce que je ne peux croire. A part cela, que vous aimiez les animaux ou non, n'hésitez pas à lire ce roman plein de tendresse, critique et drôle sur une relation d'amitié et d'amour pur depuis une perspective originale...
Cross is a cheerful and playful guide dog. Mario is a young handicapped who tries to make his way in life. Their common story begins in the USA when Mario joins a group of blind people, each comes to seek and train qith their new friend. The originality of this novel is the narration made by the dog, Cross. He tells us his training as a blind guide dog and, further, his life with his master. He also comments on his toughts about the humanoids, us, and it is a real pleasure to visualize from this perspective, our inter-human relations or with the nature. Cross is the character star of the novel and tells us about the unique relationship between a human being and his animal, even more between a blind person and his guide dog. It is for this reason that I do not understand what Emilio Ortiz wanted to demonstrate in the final, or near-end. Although the last page allows us to imagine the furue of Cross and Mario, I do not understand Mario's decision about Cross just before, which made me cry while reading, yes, because that could justly make one think that the guide dog is just an object for him, which I can not believe. Besides that, whether you love animals or not, do not hesitate to read this novel full of tenderness, criticism and fun about a relationship of friendship and pure love from an original perspective...
Cross is a cheerful and playful guide dog. Mario is a young handicapped who tries to make his way in life. Their common story begins in the USA when Mario joins a group of blind people, each comes to seek and train qith their new friend. The originality of this novel is the narration made by the dog, Cross. He tells us his training as a blind guide dog and, further, his life with his master. He also comments on his toughts about the humanoids, us, and it is a real pleasure to visualize from this perspective, our inter-human relations or with the nature. Cross is the character star of the novel and tells us about the unique relationship between a human being and his animal, even more between a blind person and his guide dog. It is for this reason that I do not understand what Emilio Ortiz wanted to demonstrate in the final, or near-end. Although the last page allows us to imagine the furue of Cross and Mario, I do not understand Mario's decision about Cross just before, which made me cry while reading, yes, because that could justly make one think that the guide dog is just an object for him, which I can not believe. Besides that, whether you love animals or not, do not hesitate to read this novel full of tenderness, criticism and fun about a relationship of friendship and pure love from an original perspective...
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