I will talk to you about a Vlog (Video Blog) really amazing. The author’ idea is simple : show us invisible people. Yes, invisible people, you know the guys in the streets you past ignoring them as if they don’t exist. The author of the Vlog does not only feel the pain of those guys, but he truly knows it for living this pain fourteen years ago. Today he finds himself ignoring the people living in the street and he was ashamed when he realizes he’s doing it. Part of his job consists to tell stories on TV about homelessness and the organizations trying to help. So he decided to make the invisible visible and created this Vlog. The purpose is simple : talk with an invisible people, tell his story and present her to us, keep a dialog open and perhaps help a forgotten people. So please, enter this Vlog, read it, read each story and talk to your family and friends about this project. Please always remember the homeless people you’ll ignore is much than. Yes, homeless has a name…
Une fois n’est pas coutume je vais vous presenter un Vlog (Video Blog) vraiment bluffant. L’idée de son auteur est simple : parler des gens invisibles. Oui, les personnes invisibles, vous savez ces mecs dans la rue que vous ignorez comme s’ils n’existaient pas. L’auteur du Vlog ne ressent pas seulement la douleur de ces personnes, mais il la connait pour l’avoir vécu il y a quatorze ans. Il s’est par la suite retrouvé à ignorer ces gens vivant dans la rue et en a été choqué quand il l’a réalisé. Une grande partie de son travail consiste à raconter pour
Vlog | InvisiblePeople.tv
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